//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: playmovie.ck // desc: a simple controller for playmovie.pde (Processing) over OSC // for Tess and Andrew and anyone else working with // interactive video in Processing + ChucK! // // to play: run this with playmovie.pde // // author: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: Winter 2022 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // destination host name "localhost" => string hostname; // destination port number 12000 => int port; // check command line if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => hostname; if( me.args() > 1 ) me.arg(1) => Std.atoi => port; // sender object OscOut xmit; // aim the transmitter at destination xmit.dest( hostname, port ); // infinite time loop while( true ) { // start the message... xmit.start( "/foo/playmovie" ); // add int argument 0 => xmit.add; // add float argument 0.2 => xmit.add; // add rate 1.5 => xmit.add; // send it xmit.send(); // advance time 0.25::second => now; }