//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: r-multimsg.ck // desc: OSC example: receiver for multiple message types // note: launch with s-multimsg.ck // // author: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: spring 2022 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the patch BlitSaw s => JCRev r => dac; .5 => s.gain; .1 => r.mix; // spork the handlers, one for each message type spork ~ onNotes(); spork ~ onHarmonics(); // keep alive while( true ) 1::second => now; // handler for incoming OSC notes messages fun void onNotes() { // create our OSC receiver OscIn oin; // create our OSC message OscMsg msg; // use port 6449 (or whatever) 6449 => oin.port; // create an address in the receiver, expect an int and a float oin.addAddress( "/foo/notes, i f" ); // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for event to arrive oin => now; // grab the next message from the queue. while( oin.recv(msg) ) { // expected datatypes (note: as indicated by "i f") int i; float f; // fetch the first data element as int msg.getInt(0) => i => Std.mtof => s.freq; // fetch the second data element as float msg.getFloat(1) => f => s.gain; // print <<< "notes (via OSC):", i, f >>>; } } } // handler for incoming OSC harmonics messages fun void onHarmonics() { // create our OSC receiver OscIn oin; // create our OSC message OscMsg msg; // use port 6449 (or whatever) 6449 => oin.port; // create an address in the receiver, expect an int oin.addAddress( "/foo/harmonics, i" ); // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for event to arrive oin => now; // grab the next message from the queue. while( oin.recv(msg) ) { // expected datatypes (note: as indicated by "i") int i; // fetch the first data element as int msg.getInt(0) => i => s.harmonics; // print <<< "harmonics (via OSC):", i >>>; } } }